
You will be watching a step-by-step Photoshop Video Tutorial and locating all the steps in the video. You will learn what are steps in this tutorial.

What are Steps

Click image to zoom

Tools on the Left Sidebar

When the instructor selects a tool on the left sidebar.

Click image to zoom

Actions from the Menu bar

When the instructor selects an action from the menu bar.

Click image to zoom

Layer Properies in Bottom Right Panel

When the instructor changes layer properties on the bottom right panel.

NOT Steps

Click image to zoom

Dialog Menus

Changes made in Dialog Menus generally aren't steps.

Click image to zoom

Changing Tool Properties

Changes to tool properties also don't count, such as brush sizes, font sizes, or RGB slider values.


Please complete this pretest in order to continue.

1. Is this a new step?


This is a new step because the instructor is selecting a new tool.

2. Is this a new step?


This is a new step because the instructor is changing the layer properties.

3. Is this a new step?


This is not a new step because the instructor is only using a dialog menu.

4. Is this a new step?


This is a new step because the instructor is selecting an action from the menu bar.

5. Is this a new step?


This is not a new step because the instructor is only changing tool properties.


Please complete the pretest to view the results.