
You will be watching a Photoshop Video Tutorial and locating when an instructor clicks in the video. Please learn what are qualified clicks, and what are not.

Qualified Clicks

Click image to zoom

Left Sidebar

When the instructor clicks on the left sidebar.

Click image to zoom

Sub Menus

When the instructor clicks on a sub menu from the menu bar.

Click image to zoom

Right Panel

When the instructor clicks on the bottom right panel.

NOT Qualified Clicks

Click image to zoom

Dialog Menus

Clicks within dialog menus don't count.

Click image to zoom

Main Menu Bar

Clicks on the top of the menu bar don't count.

Click image to zoom

Property Panel

Clicks in the top right property panel don't count.


Please complete this pretest in order to continue.
1. Is this a qualified click?


This is not a qualified click because clicks on the top of the menu bar don't count.

2. Is this a qualified click?


This is a qualified click because clicks on the left side bar do count.

3. Is this a qualified click?


This is a qualified click because clicks on the bottom right panel do count.

4. Is this a qualified click?


This is not a qualified click because clicks in a dialog box don't count.

5. Is this a qualified click?


This is a qualified click because clicks in sub menus from the main menu count.

6. Is this a qualified click?


This is not a qualified click because clicks in the properties panel don't count.


Please complete the pretest to view the results.