
Spring 2012

Purpose 21W.785
HTML CSS Django Photoshop Javascript Jquery

Planshare was a web application I created with three of my friends to simplify the process of adding our class schedules to our Google Calendar. What started out as a project for our class 21W.785 turned into a semester long commitment to building something that will save time for all of MIT students.



January 2012

Purpose Web Competition
HTML CSS Ruby on Rails Photoshop Javascript Jquery Bootstrap

One of my friends and I wanted to see what the hype is about Ruby on Rails, so we decided to hack out a small web application for a web competition at MIT. Nlightn served as a community where users can ask questions, answer questions, and tutor other users.



Fall 2012

Purpose Class Project

iMafia is an online version of the popular card game Mafia. Users talk to each other using the chatbox and make their decision with the graphic user interface. All characters are randomly assigned and the narrator is played by a computer. At the end of the game, a story based on the finished game is generated for users to read.

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A wep application developed for MIT students to create their semester calendars using Django


A website that promotes sharing knowledge through questions using Ruby on Rails


An online version of the popular card game, Mafia, written in Java


Concept design for a mobile application I plan to make


Worked on a Google maps and Flot charts project during my internship with ThriveHive


A web application I created with former roomates for a competition that suggested games for you

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About Me

I am a web designer.

I created my first webpage on in the fifth grade following the site's step-by-step HTML tutorial. I created my first graphic in Microsoft Paint making banners for my website.

I am a programmer.

I learned my first language, C/C++, taking a class at Tufts University during my Junior year in high school. The program I am most proud of in my early works is my text-based version of Battleship. Who knew creating artificial intelligence for a computer was so difficult? Update: I am now very familiar with programming in Java (much more than I am with C/C++ I would say).

I am a student.

I want to further my education with the most knowledge and preparation that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology can give me to help me succeed in my prospective career.

I am the oldest son.

I am of three children, born in a Vietnamese family that immigrated in search of the American Dream. I am the first in the family to go to college, and I am proud of how far I have come. I couldn't have done without the support of my loved ones.

Quick Bio

  • 20 years old
  • Born and raised in Boston, MA
  • MIT Class of 2014
  • Vietnamese-American

Things I Love

  • A relaxing longboarding session
  • Fresh clothes and all things viral
  • Dancing with MIT Dancetroupe, Mocha Moves, and Ridonkulous
  • Being a percussionist and a drummer
  • Listening, making, and remixing all genres of music
  • Attempting to sing in the shower
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