Overview of DOS Commands

Before you use the Command Line Tools in Windows, you should be familiar with using the command line interface in a Command Prompt window. The table below describes some of the basic DOS commands. For a complete list, open a Command Prompt window and type: help
For more information about any of the commands, or to see additional parameters, type: help command name

Note: When you are using DOS commands, you can use either lower- or uppercase letters.

Table of DOS Commands

Command Description
dir List the files in the directory
cd directory name Change to the specified directory
mkdir directory name
md directory name
Create the specified directory
rmdir directory name
rd directory name
Remove the specified directory
move filename [filename]... directory name Move the specified files to the specified directory
move directory1 directory2 Rename directory1 as directory2
ren file1 file2 Rename file1 as file2
copy file1 file2 Copy the contents of file1 to file2
del filename Delete the specified file
fc file1 file2 Compare file1 with file2 and display the differences
more filename Display the contents of the specified file one screen at a time
CTRL+c Stop the current process
CTRL+s Pause screen scrolling
print filename Print the specified file