total: 901 entries
s1_p01_v02_s01 6 || 2 2 1 1 5 2
s1_p01_v02_s02 6 || 1 0 1 1 2 1
s1_p01_v02_s03 6 || 1 0 0 10 5 3
s1_p01_v02_s04 6 || 1 5 1 1 4 1
s1_p02_v02_s01 6 || 1 1 1 2 3 2
s1_p02_v02_s02 6 || 2 0 1 2 1 2
s1_p02_v02_s03 6 || 1 0 1 2 0 1
s1_p02_v03_s01 6 || 1 2 1 2 1 4
s1_p02_v03_s02 6 || 4 3 7 3 2 1
s1_p02_v03_s03 6 || 1 1 1 1 4 1
s1_p02_v03_s04 6 || 1 3 0 10 1 2
s1_p02_v03_s05 6 || 1 1 1 3 4 1
s1_p02_v03_s06 6 || 1 1 0 3 1 1
s1_p02_v03_s07 6 || 1 1 0 2 5 1
s1_p02_v04_s01 6 || 1 4 3 0 0 5
s1_p02_v04_s02 6 || 0 1 0 3 0 3
s1_p02_v04_s03 6 || 0 1 2 2 0 5
s1_p02_v04_s04 6 || 1 1 0 2 3 2
s1_p02_v04_s05 6 || 4 1 0 1 1 1
s1_p02_v04_s06 6 || 1 1 5 4 1 5
s1_p02_v05_s01 6 || 4 1 0 1 2 1
s1_p02_v05_s02 6 || 1 3 1 5 2 6
s1_p02_v05_s03 6 || 1 0 1 2 1 3
s1_p02_v05_s04 6 || 0 3 4 1 0 1
s1_p03_v05_s01 6 || 0 1 0 5 1 2
s1_p03_v05_s02 6 || 1 1 0 3 1 1
s1_p03_v05_s03 6 || 1 7 1 4 4 1
s1_p03_v05_s04 6 || 4 4 3 1 0 1
s1_p03_v05_s05 6 || 1 0 1 0 0 4
s1_p03_v05_s06 6 || 1 3 0 0 1 2
s1_p03_v05_s07 6 || 1 1 1 1 1 0
s1_p03_v05_s08 6 || 0 1 1 1 0 1
s1_p05_v02_s01 6 || 4 2 4 6 2 3
s1_p05_v02_s02 6 || 1 1 0 1 1 1
s1_p05_v02_s03 6 || 1 0 0 1 0 0
s1_p05_v03_s01 6 || 1 6 0 6 1 1
s1_p05_v03_s02 6 || 0 7 7 8 4 1
s1_p05_v03_s03 6 || 2 2 4 3 4 4
38 6/3 completed.
0 5/3 completed.
0 4/3 completed.
s1_p01_v01_s01 3 || 6 7 0
s1_p01_v01_s02 3 || 0 1 3
s1_p01_v01_s03 3 || 0 1 1
s1_p01_v03_s01 3 || 1 1 1
s1_p01_v03_s02 3 || 1 4 1
s1_p01_v03_s03 3 || 5 3 5
s1_p01_v03_s04 3 || 4 5 6
s1_p01_v03_s05 3 || 1 1 4
s1_p01_v03_s06 3 || 1 1 3
s1_p01_v04_s01 3 || 5 7 6
s1_p01_v04_s02 3 || 3 1 3
s1_p01_v04_s03 3 || 4 1 2
s1_p01_v04_s04 3 || 2 1 1
s1_p01_v05_s01 3 || 7 10 5
s1_p01_v05_s02 3 || 2 7 1
s1_p01_v05_s03 3 || 4 3 4
s1_p02_v01_s01 3 || 5 0 1
s1_p02_v01_s02 3 || 5 2 2
s1_p02_v01_s03 3 || 1 1 3
s1_p02_v01_s04 3 || 0 1 1
s1_p02_v01_s05 3 || 1 3 4
s1_p02_v01_s06 3 || 4 1 1
s1_p03_v01_s01 3 || 2 1 1
s1_p03_v01_s02 3 || 7 6 1
s1_p03_v01_s03 3 || 1 2 3
s1_p03_v01_s04 3 || 7 8 1
s1_p03_v02_s01 3 || 1 0 1
s1_p03_v02_s02 3 || 5 2 1
s1_p03_v02_s03 3 || 6 1 1
s1_p03_v02_s04 3 || 10 4 3
s1_p03_v02_s05 3 || 9 1 1
s1_p03_v02_s06 3 || 0 2 0
s1_p03_v03_s01 3 || 4 3 3
s1_p03_v03_s02 3 || 5 3 7
s1_p03_v04_s01 3 || 0 1 1
s1_p03_v04_s02 3 || 3 1 8
s1_p03_v04_s03 3 || 5 1 1
s1_p03_v04_s04 3 || 7 5 1
s1_p03_v04_s05 3 || 4 3 1
s1_p03_v04_s06 3 || 6 4 1
s1_p03_v04_s07 3 || 10 1 1
s1_p03_v04_s08 3 || 1 7 1
s1_p03_v04_s09 3 || 3 0 5
s1_p04_v01_s01 3 || 0 1 0
s1_p04_v01_s02 3 || 0 0 1
s1_p04_v01_s03 3 || 2 3 1
s1_p04_v01_s04 3 || 1 1 0
s1_p04_v01_s05 3 || 3 0 3
s1_p04_v01_s06 3 || 1 2 1
s1_p04_v01_s07 3 || 0 3 2
s1_p04_v01_s08 3 || 1 1 2
s1_p04_v01_s09 3 || 0 3 0
s1_p04_v01_s10 3 || 1 0 1
s1_p04_v02_s01 3 || 8 2 2
s1_p04_v02_s02 3 || 1 3 1
s1_p04_v02_s03 3 || 1 0 4
s1_p04_v02_s04 3 || 3 2 1
s1_p04_v02_s05 3 || 0 9 12
s1_p04_v03_s01 3 || 4 3 3
s1_p04_v03_s02 3 || 4 6 1
s1_p04_v03_s03 3 || 7 4 1
s1_p04_v03_s04 3 || 4 0 3
s1_p04_v03_s05 3 || 3 0 3
s1_p04_v03_s06 3 || 1 1 7
s1_p04_v04_s01 3 || 1 0 0
s1_p04_v04_s02 3 || 5 5 1
s1_p04_v04_s03 3 || 5 8 1
s1_p04_v04_s04 3 || 5 1 1
s1_p04_v04_s05 3 || 4 0 3
s1_p04_v04_s06 3 || 1 2 6
s1_p04_v05_s01 3 || 4 2 1
s1_p04_v05_s02 3 || 7 1 4
s1_p04_v05_s03 3 || 4 3 0
s1_p04_v05_s04 3 || 7 1 5
s1_p04_v05_s05 3 || 1 6 0
s1_p04_v05_s06 3 || 1 0 1
s1_p05_v01_s01 3 || 0 6 2
s1_p05_v01_s02 3 || 3 3 2
s1_p05_v01_s03 3 || 2 2 2
s1_p05_v04_s01 3 || 1 1 4
s1_p05_v04_s02 3 || 6 3 4
s1_p05_v04_s03 3 || 3 10 2
s1_p05_v04_s04 3 || 0 1 1
s1_p05_v05_s01 3 || 1 1 1
s1_p05_v05_s02 3 || 6 2 1
s1_p05_v05_s03 3 || 4 0 2
s1_p05_v05_s04 3 || 4 1 1
s1_p05_v05_s05 3 || 4 1 5
s1_p05_v05_s06 3 || 5 1 1
s1_p05_v05_s07 3 || 3 3 3
s1_p05_v05_s08 3 || 3 1 1
91 3/3 completed.
0 2/3 completed.
0 1/3 completed.
0 0/3 completed.
s1_p01_v01_s01 3 === 6 : 7 : 0
s1_p01_v01_s02 3 === 0 : 1 : 3
s1_p01_v01_s03 3 === 0 : 1 : 1
s1_p01_v02_s01 6 === 2 : 2 : 1
s1_p01_v02_s02 6 === 1 : 0 : 1
s1_p01_v02_s03 6 === 1 : 0 : 0
s1_p01_v02_s04 6 === 1 : 5 : 1
s1_p01_v03_s01 3 === 1 : 1 : 1
s1_p01_v03_s02 3 === 1 : 4 : 1
s1_p01_v03_s03 3 === 5 : 3 : 5
s1_p01_v03_s04 3 === 4 : 5 : 6
s1_p01_v03_s05 3 === 1 : 1 : 4
s1_p01_v03_s06 3 === 1 : 1 : 3
s1_p01_v04_s01 3 === 5 : 7 : 6
s1_p01_v04_s02 3 === 3 : 1 : 3
s1_p01_v04_s03 3 === 4 : 1 : 2
s1_p01_v04_s04 3 === 2 : 1 : 1
s1_p01_v05_s01 3 === 7 : 10 : 5
s1_p01_v05_s02 3 === 2 : 7 : 1
s1_p01_v05_s03 3 === 4 : 3 : 4
s1_p02_v01_s01 3 === 5 : 0 : 1
s1_p02_v01_s02 3 === 5 : 2 : 2
s1_p02_v01_s03 3 === 1 : 1 : 3
s1_p02_v01_s04 3 === 0 : 1 : 1
s1_p02_v01_s05 3 === 1 : 3 : 4
s1_p02_v01_s06 3 === 4 : 1 : 1
s1_p02_v02_s01 6 === 1 : 1 : 1
s1_p02_v02_s02 6 === 2 : 0 : 1
s1_p02_v02_s03 6 === 1 : 0 : 1
s1_p02_v03_s01 6 === 1 : 2 : 1
s1_p02_v03_s02 6 === 4 : 3 : 7
s1_p02_v03_s03 6 === 1 : 1 : 1
s1_p02_v03_s04 6 === 1 : 3 : 0
s1_p02_v03_s05 6 === 1 : 1 : 1
s1_p02_v03_s06 6 === 1 : 1 : 0
s1_p02_v03_s07 6 === 1 : 1 : 0
s1_p02_v04_s01 6 === 1 : 4 : 3
s1_p02_v04_s02 6 === 0 : 1 : 0
s1_p02_v04_s03 6 === 0 : 1 : 2
s1_p02_v04_s04 6 === 1 : 1 : 0
s1_p02_v04_s05 6 === 4 : 1 : 0
s1_p02_v04_s06 6 === 1 : 1 : 5
s1_p02_v05_s01 6 === 4 : 1 : 0
s1_p02_v05_s02 6 === 1 : 3 : 1
s1_p02_v05_s03 6 === 1 : 0 : 1
s1_p02_v05_s04 6 === 0 : 3 : 4
s1_p03_v01_s01 3 === 2 : 1 : 1
s1_p03_v01_s02 3 === 7 : 6 : 1
s1_p03_v01_s03 3 === 1 : 2 : 3
s1_p03_v01_s04 3 === 7 : 8 : 1
s1_p03_v02_s01 3 === 1 : 0 : 1
s1_p03_v02_s02 3 === 5 : 2 : 1
s1_p03_v02_s03 3 === 6 : 1 : 1
s1_p03_v02_s04 3 === 10 : 4 : 3
s1_p03_v02_s05 3 === 9 : 1 : 1
s1_p03_v02_s06 3 === 0 : 2 : 0
s1_p03_v03_s01 3 === 4 : 3 : 3
s1_p03_v03_s02 3 === 5 : 3 : 7
s1_p03_v04_s01 3 === 0 : 1 : 1
s1_p03_v04_s02 3 === 3 : 1 : 8
s1_p03_v04_s03 3 === 5 : 1 : 1
s1_p03_v04_s04 3 === 7 : 5 : 1
s1_p03_v04_s05 3 === 4 : 3 : 1
s1_p03_v04_s06 3 === 6 : 4 : 1
s1_p03_v04_s07 3 === 10 : 1 : 1
s1_p03_v04_s08 3 === 1 : 7 : 1
s1_p03_v04_s09 3 === 3 : 0 : 5
s1_p03_v05_s01 6 === 0 : 1 : 0
s1_p03_v05_s02 6 === 1 : 1 : 0
s1_p03_v05_s03 6 === 1 : 7 : 1
s1_p03_v05_s04 6 === 4 : 4 : 3
s1_p03_v05_s05 6 === 1 : 0 : 1
s1_p03_v05_s06 6 === 1 : 3 : 0
s1_p03_v05_s07 6 === 1 : 1 : 1
s1_p03_v05_s08 6 === 0 : 1 : 1
s1_p04_v01_s01 3 === 0 : 1 : 0
s1_p04_v01_s02 3 === 0 : 0 : 1
s1_p04_v01_s03 3 === 2 : 3 : 1
s1_p04_v01_s04 3 === 1 : 1 : 0
s1_p04_v01_s05 3 === 3 : 0 : 3
s1_p04_v01_s06 3 === 1 : 2 : 1
s1_p04_v01_s07 3 === 0 : 3 : 2
s1_p04_v01_s08 3 === 1 : 1 : 2
s1_p04_v01_s09 3 === 0 : 3 : 0
s1_p04_v01_s10 3 === 1 : 0 : 1
s1_p04_v02_s01 3 === 8 : 2 : 2
s1_p04_v02_s02 3 === 1 : 3 : 1
s1_p04_v02_s03 3 === 1 : 0 : 4
s1_p04_v02_s04 3 === 3 : 2 : 1
s1_p04_v02_s05 3 === 0 : 9 : 12
s1_p04_v03_s01 3 === 4 : 3 : 3
s1_p04_v03_s02 3 === 4 : 6 : 1
s1_p04_v03_s03 3 === 7 : 4 : 1
s1_p04_v03_s04 3 === 4 : 0 : 3
s1_p04_v03_s05 3 === 3 : 0 : 3
s1_p04_v03_s06 3 === 1 : 1 : 7
s1_p04_v04_s01 3 === 1 : 0 : 0
s1_p04_v04_s02 3 === 5 : 5 : 1
s1_p04_v04_s03 3 === 5 : 8 : 1
s1_p04_v04_s04 3 === 5 : 1 : 1
s1_p04_v04_s05 3 === 4 : 0 : 3
s1_p04_v04_s06 3 === 1 : 2 : 6
s1_p04_v05_s01 3 === 4 : 2 : 1
s1_p04_v05_s02 3 === 7 : 1 : 4
s1_p04_v05_s03 3 === 4 : 3 : 0
s1_p04_v05_s04 3 === 7 : 1 : 5
s1_p04_v05_s05 3 === 1 : 6 : 0
s1_p04_v05_s06 3 === 1 : 0 : 1
s1_p05_v01_s01 3 === 0 : 6 : 2
s1_p05_v01_s02 3 === 3 : 3 : 2
s1_p05_v01_s03 3 === 2 : 2 : 2
s1_p05_v02_s01 6 === 4 : 2 : 4
s1_p05_v02_s02 6 === 1 : 1 : 0
s1_p05_v02_s03 6 === 1 : 0 : 0
s1_p05_v03_s01 6 === 1 : 6 : 0
s1_p05_v03_s02 6 === 0 : 7 : 7
s1_p05_v03_s03 6 === 2 : 2 : 4
s1_p05_v04_s01 3 === 1 : 1 : 4
s1_p05_v04_s02 3 === 6 : 3 : 4
s1_p05_v04_s03 3 === 3 : 10 : 2
s1_p05_v04_s04 3 === 0 : 1 : 1
s1_p05_v05_s01 3 === 1 : 1 : 1
s1_p05_v05_s02 3 === 6 : 2 : 1
s1_p05_v05_s03 3 === 4 : 0 : 2
s1_p05_v05_s04 3 === 4 : 1 : 1
s1_p05_v05_s05 3 === 4 : 1 : 5
s1_p05_v05_s06 3 === 5 : 1 : 1
s1_p05_v05_s07 3 === 3 : 3 : 3
s1_p05_v05_s08 3 === 3 : 1 : 1
129 with something.
ID Worker ID Video Response
1"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p01_v02_s0143.53@Click the Polygon Lasso tool
57.28@Outline the target with the Polygon Lasso tool
2"A3PDKI5EE5ZC5B"s1_p01_v02_s0146.17@Polygonal Lasso Tool
58.24@Highlight the character
3"ALJH4JVU8FQ6F"s1_p01_v02_s0145.71@Polygonal Lasso Tool
4"A1VAO3ODUZEMTU"s1_p01_v02_s0238.13@defining image
6"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p01_v02_s0232.12@Cut Tool Which is used to cut an Image
7"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p01_v02_s0317.75@adjustment settings of the image
10"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p01_v02_s0413.06@motion settings
11"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p01_v02_s041.54@In the Filter menu go to Blur then Motion Blur
14.45@Adjust the Motion Blur settings
39.6@Confirm your adjustments
12"AVRW2T2MJFGQ0"s1_p01_v02_s0416.36@use motion blur by setting degree
13"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v02_s0139.45@transformation of a image
14"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p02_v02_s0130.08@Filter > Extract
16"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p02_v02_s0215.73@Use the brackets to change the size of the tool
25.8@Straddle the edge of the target and the background using the tool
18"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p02_v02_s0241@Extract of color in image
19"AI9WYG457WDW2"s1_p02_v02_s0314.67@Eraser Tool
21"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p02_v02_s0322.5@Extract of color of an image
22"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p02_v03_s0131.11@layer background color adjustments
23"A2QX30PEG8W87U"s1_p02_v03_s0144.58@click on the background
29.36@to use channels
24"A2NT4EUVRPGP6R"s1_p02_v03_s0144.16@select background
25"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p02_v03_s0222.74@Make sure Channels is checked
36.24@Skim through Red Green and Blue channels for maximum contrast
26"AE3ML0W24YFNL"s1_p02_v03_s028.71@addd layer mask
12.05@click layer
34.97@click blue channels
27"A2NT4EUVRPGP6R"s1_p02_v03_s028.88@add layer mask
23.18@click on windos select channels
28.02@select red green
56.75@select any redblue red
28"AI9WYG457WDW2"s1_p02_v03_s030@RGB Colour
29"ALJH4JVU8FQ6F"s1_p02_v03_s0347.47@copy of blue layer
30"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p02_v03_s0348.78@Channel Copy
31"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v03_s0431.92@layer adjustments and copy of the image
32"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p02_v03_s0410.92@Layer channel
4.02@Layer copy
45.37@Select->Load Selection-> Invert channel
34"AI9WYG457WDW2"s1_p02_v03_s056.58@Color Fill
35"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v03_s0530.64@selection settings in a layer of the image
36"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p02_v03_s0522.64@Selection of particular layer
37"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v03_s0621.63@background layer color adjustments
38"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p02_v03_s0641.01@Layer Mask
40"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p02_v03_s0767.93@Press OK to confirm
41"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p02_v03_s0717.05@Layer Mask
43"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p02_v04_s0152.73@Unlock the layer
44"A2NT4EUVRPGP6R"s1_p02_v04_s015.53@how to take agrapic
35.34@open a new grapic logo in jpeg
55.17@take the layer and double click
45.26@set a lock duble click it
45"A1Z7UM6OSILE4O"s1_p02_v04_s0120.66@Move the graph
35.41@Its an Jpn file
47"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p02_v04_s0249.59@Layer logo selection description
50"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p02_v04_s0319@Placing logo on an image
51"A9UBPUEWAMA06"s1_p02_v04_s0320.53@use move tool
51.79@background and border
52"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p02_v04_s0415.05@Transform and Scale from the Edit Menu
53"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v04_s0429.91@selecting a logo in a image
55"A1VAO3ODUZEMTU"s1_p02_v04_s059.17@making the logo
22.18@use zoom tool
40.6@add drop shadow
47.52@double click layer
56"A3RZMD0GPKZBJ5"s1_p02_v04_s0519.65@Use zoom tool
58"AI9WYG457WDW2"s1_p02_v04_s0662.05@Drop Shadow
59"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p02_v04_s063.02@Drop Shadow in Layer Styles
60"A3EZTGXMNMFK67"s1_p02_v04_s062.53@apply a drop shadow
6.76@slide this over to see the logo
8.84@click on the drop shadow
17.37@hit up the drop shadow button
34.21@change size and spread to 5
61"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p02_v05_s0129.34@Open picture
40.51@Press Q to go into Quick Mask mode
43.5@Select Brush tool
56.03@Cover the foreground object in red
62"A20RSPBA8ENR7C"s1_p02_v05_s0141.23@select the Brush Tool
64"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v05_s0243.37@selection tool for selecting an image
65"A20RSPBA8ENR7C"s1_p02_v05_s0224.68@Double click
43.2@Go to Eraser
49.63@Go to the Magic Eraser
66"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p02_v05_s0211.09@Background color settings
67"A3RZMD0GPKZBJ5"s1_p02_v05_s0326.64@Use erase tool
69"AMQU8Q0GUO0AL"s1_p02_v05_s0341.42@Go to Eraser tool
71"A1C6OI7KRP6FR9"s1_p02_v05_s0443.28@control +T transformation
25.38@drag in to the other picture
19.32@fit on the screen
72"A2NT4EUVRPGP6R"s1_p02_v05_s0418.67@click on the resume to fit on the screen
34.81@click another pic and drag on
44.6@drag the layer1 pic to 2nd one
48.69@the objet that add can be transformed into small
74"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v05_s0142.71@selection of the image
76"A20RSPBA8ENR7C"s1_p03_v05_s021.63@Go to Layer
77"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p03_v05_s0215.12@Adjustments of new layer
79"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v05_s0317.14@Adjustments and settinsg of the image
80"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p03_v05_s0310.78@Go to Layers then New Adjustment Layer then Curves and confirm
21.73@Adjust the curve to make an ""S"" shape
50.68@Confirm your adjustment
55.4@Create a new layer above the other layers
81"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p03_v05_s0313.23@New Layer Adjustments for an image
82"A111JI6APXR6QV"s1_p03_v05_s0419.67@And then fill that layer
21.05@fill that layer in black
45.23@Go to Capacity and put it down to around 30-40.
83"A2NT4EUVRPGP6R"s1_p03_v05_s0420.98@filluplayer in black
31.84@set hied
43.01@chage the colr %
9.2@right click on paint tool
21.58@Fill with black layer
85"AI9WYG457WDW2"s1_p03_v05_s050.69@unsharp Mask
87"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p03_v05_s0539.63@Image settings of background layer merge colors
88"AI9WYG457WDW2"s1_p03_v05_s0636.33@RGB color
11.44@keep 50%
27.04@Go back to image
92"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p03_v05_s0716.06@Digital Low mode photography
93"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p03_v05_s0742.72@BackGround color adjustments of an image
95"A3PDKI5EE5ZC5B"s1_p03_v05_s0842.76@I will continue with more vidieo
96"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p03_v05_s0842.59@Image BackGround Adjustments
97"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p05_v02_s0120.93@Open image
31.79@Duplicate background layer
44.77@Use Desaturate on the copied layer
52.91@Use Desaturate on the Background layer
98"A20RSPBA8ENR7C"s1_p05_v02_s0118.63@Go to File
36.49@Go to Image
99"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p05_v02_s0118.51@File -> open image
27.32@Layer -> Duplicate Layer
44.48@Select Image Layer -> Image -> Adjustments -> Desaturate
56.87@Select Image copy Layer -> Image -> Adjustments -> Desaturate
100"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p05_v02_s0228.29@Setting background of the image
101"A34R8R5T4JNT5L"s1_p05_v02_s0213.55@use invert
103"A111JI6APXR6QV"s1_p05_v02_s033.86@Paint the hair with black color.
106"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p05_v03_s0130.11@Photo of something in empty paper in photoshop
107"AKAWSE57ZI6D1"s1_p05_v03_s016.67@OPEN THE PHOTO
24.51@Resize it with Ctrl + T
35.05@Select Multiply
47.12@Use Eraser tool to erase borders
9.68@Merge Visible on Layer Right Click Menu
15.94@Copy the entire picture
18.3@Paste the picture on paper photo
111"AVJWMUE4Q0FWR"s1_p05_v03_s029.97@merge visible right click on the layer
12.92@now select all by pressing ctrl+A the copy it by pressing ctrl+c
17.53@now go on the paper photo
23.7@paste the copied image by pressing ctrl+V
25.7@re size it by selecting transform tool or by pressing ctrl+T
37.25@select the ""multiply"" at layer side from ""normal""
44.35@now select erase tool to erase the borders of ""drawing""
112"A1VAO3ODUZEMTU"s1_p05_v03_s0320.77@set opacity
24.25@right click on merge layer
113"A3PDKI5EE5ZC5B"s1_p05_v03_s0320.97@set the capacity between 60 to 70.
27.38@you could go to image-Adjustment-Photo filter
114"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p05_v03_s0320.35@Set Opacity to 60-75%
26.27@Image -> Adjustments -> Photo filter ->15-25%
39.24@Final Result
48.78@Filter Noise -> Noise -> Reduce Noise
116"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p04_v01_s0144.11@Dreamwalkers Trailer Hd Description
120"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p04_v01_s0246.82@Open the image
121"AVHG2CA7ORMX5"s1_p04_v01_s0333.63@Add three layers: hue/saturation levels and curves.
122"A3PDKI5EE5ZC5B"s1_p04_v01_s0313.43@colour grading
50.59@Colour correction
57.99@Colour grade-stylyzing
123"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p04_v01_s0330.09@Background color gradient of an image
124"AD5IKFAK8KN4P"s1_p04_v01_s046.11@Stylized look with color grade
127"A2QX30PEG8W87U"s1_p04_v01_s0510.71@bring this back up
41.27@now gonna get to the colorgrading
51.77@pop down this rgb menu
129"A2NT4EUVRPGP6R"s1_p04_v01_s0511.53@change the blered image
41.43@change the collagle
52.06@drop down the rgb menu for color
130"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v01_s0622.46@highlights of the image
131"A20RSPBA8ENR7C"s1_p04_v01_s065.2@choose subsections
51.57@try the blue
132"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p04_v01_s0612.85@Image background color adjustments using curves
134"A3EZTGXMNMFK67"s1_p04_v01_s072.35@pump up the blue in the shadows
4.76@drop the blue in the highlights
7.02@give it a yellow highlight
135"AE3ML0W24YFNL"s1_p04_v01_s071.42@adjust blue channel curves
15.4@adjust green channel curves
136"A1WNG0ZB1DC7R0"s1_p04_v01_s0840.88@Crop the image
137"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p04_v01_s0822.12@Image background color adjustments
138"A2QX30PEG8W87U"s1_p04_v01_s0819.49@make sure your checking youself
57.88@do a wide screen prop
140"A2QX30PEG8W87U"s1_p04_v01_s0923.07@drag it to the other screen
3.76@do a white screen prop like this
56.7@go to
142"A20RSPBA8ENR7C"s1_p04_v01_s103.63@go to
144"A2HT3NVWD0Q8IV"s1_p04_v01_s1034.58@BackGroung Image description in photoshop
145"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v01_s0116.78@put photo in description
19.38@make a copy
25.89@filter motion blur
39.42@bring hardness all the way down on bottom slider
43@bring opacity down to 70%
50.04@take off the blur
146"AS27VDI8LS8WP"s1_p01_v01_s0120.41@Make a copy
21.05@Go to ""Blur"" then ""Motion Blur""
25.52@Adjust the angle
36.49@Choose Selection tool
37.26@Bring the Hardness down
40.76@Bring the Opacity to about 70%
47.14@Take off the blur around the edge
148"A29Q5WRHORO9L0"s1_p01_v01_s030.62@take the blur off
149"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v01_s0313.86@remove some blur to give image more dimension
150"A5ANILRK62JSH"s1_p01_v02_s0126.61@making motion effect for an image
151"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v02_s024.42@outline charecter
152"A2N9ONI4E555VM"s1_p01_v02_s0217.71@Use the refine feature
40.81@Highlight the object you want to focus on
153"A3I3FYYIUG86TG"s1_p01_v02_s0311.13@Apply feather to the object.
18.41@Right click click on feather.
38.03@Create a new layer via copy.
50.97@Apply motion blur to it.
53.37@Click on the background layer.
58.45@Go to filter blur motion blur.
2.71@Highlight the body.
154"A5ANILRK62JSH"s1_p01_v02_s044.28@he takes the motion blur from blur and teaches about hot give motion effect to the object in an image
155"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v03_s0154@use Elliptical Marquee tool to select wheel
156"A1RD09XHNEESE2"s1_p01_v03_s0152.54@take elliptical marque tool for selecting the wheel
157"A26YUBHJE3O5GZ"s1_p01_v03_s0153.32@Use Elliptical Marquee Tool
158"A27ZZCI4LRCBU7"s1_p01_v03_s020.64@Car Wheel Edit
159"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v03_s0312.5@click Edit / Paste
15.75@paste into new layer
46.47@click Edit / Free Transform
38.68@hold Cmd or Ctrl key and press layer
52.4@try to render it as a circle
160"A26YUBHJE3O5GZ"s1_p01_v03_s030.27@Use Copy Merged tool
11.42@Use Paste tool
45.39@Use Edit menu Free Transform tool
161"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p01_v03_s035.1@work on pixel
12.97@go to edit menu and choose paste and the image get pasted
20.53@going to play the radio blur filter system
37.97@hold the command key on the pixel
45.87@choose edit menu and select free transforms
162"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v03_s0414.28@create a square from the pixels
22.11@commit to transformation
32.36@click Filter / Blur / Radial Blur
42.87@nd guess blur and click spin then OK
163"A1740WSIOU1AIN"s1_p01_v03_s0529.69@Create Spinning Wheel Effect
165"A152JSLCLZ4A0R"s1_p01_v03_s0632.87@LAYER STYLES
166"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v04_s0110.96@open Adobe Photoshop
27.82@Click image that you want
26.89@click File / Open
39.81@click Filter / Blur / Motion Blur
54.8@click on distance pixel that you want
167"A3542CEOKQ3VDI"s1_p01_v04_s019.28@How to use the motion blur
14.96@Open up adobe photoshop
31.25@click on the image
45.12@go to filter blur motion & blur
58.38@click on the how many pixels and distance
168"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v04_s020.46@click on distance of pixels you want
19.89@create new layer
25.86@click on History Brush Tool
169"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v04_s0338.39@choose your font
57.9@click Drop Shadow
7.25@adjust your Opacity
26.82@Insert text
170"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v05_s018.13@Go to File / New
25.32@click OK
30.24@Select text tool
33.39@click anywhere on left of the canvas
39.98@Type a phrase
50.02@click Select All
52.89@Along top click Align Vertical Canters
171"A29Q5WRHORO9L0"s1_p01_v05_s0216.8@copy layer
40.64@motion blur tool
172"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v05_s0212.05@click Select / Deselect
24.3@copy the motion blur layer by dragging it down to the icon over the trash
31.92@drag the motion blur copy below the motion blur text layer
41.59@click Filter / Blur / Motion Blur
54.1@click OK
1.32@click Align Vertically Centers then Align Horizontally Centers
173"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v05_s033.13@click ok
21.44@click on the circular icon to change the angle
27.96@use distance to control the amount of blur
40.18@click OK
174"A2Z5WU5Z2HMABQ"s1_p02_v01_s0123.53@to repair the damaged paper
37.39@polygonal lasso tool
42.87@magic wand
44.47@clone stamp
46.08@eraser tool
175"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v01_s0213.36@trace around
30.98@click on bucket on left hand side
33.93@click OK
5.56@Filter / Extract
53.31@click on Paint History Brush tool
177"A29Q5WRHORO9L0"s1_p02_v01_s0546.7@drag picture into desire background
178"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v01_s0553.1@drag him into background
28.01@bring up your background
57.46@press Shift key
179"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v01_s060.63@press Shift key and drag image down to right size
12.96@keep doing it till you can get the image to fit in the background
21.53@click on the tick at the top
28.51@crop if needed
180"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v02_s0134.11@click Filter / Extract
49.01@click Mark the edge
181"A1LJMPKDPZDW15"s1_p02_v02_s0132.51@Color Extraction
53.77@Mark the Edge use highlighter
182"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v02_s029.63@adjust your circle size by using left or right bracket
26.28@straddle the edge of an object and highlight the outline
183"A39R3C0B0YJN06"s1_p02_v02_s0317.09@Gaussian Blur tool
41.67@Fill tool
184"A29Q5WRHORO9L0"s1_p02_v03_s0127.77@Use channels
41.41@turn photo transparent
185"A26YUBHJE3O5GZ"s1_p02_v03_s0143.04@Double Click the Background
186"A3542CEOKQ3VDI"s1_p02_v03_s029.65@add layer mask is enabled
12.69@click the layer image
22.75@make channel visible in window
187"A2IICB0FDT3QE2"s1_p02_v03_s027.95@Add layer mask
20.65@click on channels
188"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v03_s050.26@hit OK
25.44@select your layer and then click Add Layer Mask
38.72@put solid color behind it
189"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v03_s0627.53@make sure your Mask is selected
44.29@click Image / Adjustments / Levels
51.82@pull slider to the left
190"A5ANILRK62JSH"s1_p02_v03_s0642.11@teach to set the color level of image
191"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v03_s0717.23@adjust your slider in Levels
64.93@click OK
194"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p02_v04_s018.21@how to take agraphic
18.64@get rid of the white background
22.42@move it over to the other graphic
34.55@open up a graphic it is a jpeg file
41.64@the layer has a little lock on it
195"A1LJMPKDPZDW15"s1_p02_v04_s0211.84@Select border
27.07@Click wand tool in outside area
47.72@Hit delete to remove border
196"A3542CEOKQ3VDI"s1_p02_v04_s0320.32@Select regular move tool
24.03@Grab the logo
197"A29Q5WRHORO9L0"s1_p02_v04_s046.49@scale picture
50.74@hold ""shift"" key to fix picture
198"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v04_s044.24@Maker sure you are on Layer 1
10.78@Click Edit / Transform / Scale
46@Hold shift key down to adjust logo with correct proportion
199"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v04_s069.27@click on Drop Shadow
36.18@hit OK
52.08@save graphic
32.02@use Drop Shadow controls to set your shadow
200"A1740WSIOU1AIN"s1_p02_v04_s0617.23@Use Drop Shadow tool for placing logos
201"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v05_s0215.49@Press Q
28.28@double click Layer to unlock press Ctrl +D
43.04@click Eraser / Magic Eraser
55.41@delete everything that is white and stupid
202"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p02_v05_s0322.45@make sure to remove all the white off
39.54@you can use the regular Eraser toll to remove shadows
203"A1740WSIOU1AIN"s1_p02_v05_s0329.32@Using Magic Eraser tool in photoshop
204"A26YUBHJE3O5GZ"s1_p02_v05_s0444.96@Use Control + C shortcut key
205"A30HV3ZQSGDVTS"s1_p03_v01_s0126.66@adding various colors of layers
47.9@click on exposure
206"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v01_s029.53@set your Offset down a little bit
20.53@add curves
24.4@bring bottom curve down
27.85@bring top pof the curve up creating a slight S shape
38.64@select red and create the same slight S shape curve
44.77@go into greens and create the same slight S curve
57.45@go to blue and bring it all the way down
207"A2N9ONI4E555VM"s1_p03_v01_s022.99@Set it up higher
14.3@Set down lower so you can see shadow better
21.76@Add a curve
37.57@Select curve red
49@Go into your greens and do the same thing and push it up
56.76@Bring into blue and bring it all the way down
208"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v01_s045.17@do the same for the corners so they can be rounded
33.2@add a new layer get Paint Bucket tool make everything black
42.66@go into the rectangular Marquee tool
47.05@select a square
51.78@click delete then Cmd D to deselect
209"A2R79G91Z6563R"s1_p03_v01_s043.44@Do the same for the corners so they can be rounded.
34.2@Add a new layer.
37.75@Get ""Paint Bucket"" tool.
39.19@Paint everything black.
42.6@Go into rectangular marquee tool.
47.27@Select a square.
48.88@Click delete
52.49@CMD D to deselect
210"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v02_s0153.63@Intro. no instruction in this part of the vid
212"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v02_s0226.27@click Image / Adjustments / Curves
34.29@add slight S curve
39.69@choose green channel
43.25@create same S curve
51.96@go to blue channel and create opposite S curve
213"A5ANILRK62JSH"s1_p03_v02_s0244.91@teaches how to curve and green chanel
52.26@how to set blue chanel
214"A1740WSIOU1AIN"s1_p03_v02_s0226.3@creating colors with S curves in photoshop
215"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v02_s0318.3@click layer / New Adjustment Layer / Gradient Map
4.14@click OK
20.02@click OK
29.61@collapse Adjustment panel open up Layers panel
36.47@setLayer to Overlay and adjust Opacity to about 50%
55.59@click F12
216"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v02_s041.01@Hit F12
13.99@click Window / Actions
17.64@click New Action button
27.15@hit Enter to start recording
36.99@click Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Curves
39.89@click OK
45.55@create simple S curve in the RGB channel
48.26@choose green channel create same S curve
52.59@under blue channel create opposite S curve
217"A26YUBHJE3O5GZ"s1_p03_v02_s048.51@Use Revert tool
13.6@Use Window Actions tool
37.46@Use Layer New Adjustment Layer and Curves tool
218"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v02_s055.56@click Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Gradient Map
7.35@click OK
10.53@Go into the Layers Panel
32.12@highlight Opacity and type in 50
36.09@set the Layer to Overlay
41.47@open Actions panel and hit Stop
44.16@test out Lomo Effect
53.89@open up action select Lomo Effect click Play
220"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v02_s060.24@Lomo effect click Play
221"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v03_s0130.17@Click Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Curves
33.11@Click OK
54.18@switch to green channel and make the same S
46.29@In RGB Channel make a S
222"A29SWPKTGTWAT4"s1_p03_v03_s0125.79@Create curves adjustment layer
43.75@create ""s"" shape in RGB channel
51.29@Switch to ""green"" channel and repeat
223"A1RD09XHNEESE2"s1_p03_v03_s0131.9@use curve adjustment layer
49.2@do adjustment on curve
57.08@take the green channel and do adjustment
224"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v03_s021.04@Make a slight S in RGB
5.74@switch it to blue and do the opposite
26.28@click Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Gradient Map
40.41@change blending mode to Overlay
45.79@set Opacity to around 30%
226"A29Q5WRHORO9L0"s1_p03_v04_s0119.2@show how to use the low-mo effect
227"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v04_s0155.62@Intro. no instruction in this part of the vid
228"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v04_s0233.66@delete additional layer
42.07@double click the lock and click OK
56.02@open Lasso tool
229"A26YUBHJE3O5GZ"s1_p03_v04_s0254.87@Use Lasso tool
230"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v04_s031.43@click Lasso Tool
4.73@make sure your Feather is set up to something high like 80 px
23.1@make a selection close to edges
43.21@Click Select / Inverse
57.52@open adjustment panel
231"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v04_s041.87@open Adjustment panel click Level Adjustments icon
18.02@Take middle point click & drag to the right
43.28@click back arrow to bring you back to list of Adjustments
46.99@add a Curves Adjustment pulling the curve down in the dark area
30.62@s shape
50.94@central line
233"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v04_s053.4@drag the curve a little down to the right
21.48@go toward the top of the line and drag the curve up
58.31@close the Adjustments panel
234"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v04_s0711.65@click Merge to merge adjustment layers
21.54@open Channels
31.85@click Lightness channel
34.89@go back to Layers
40.13@click Filter / Sharpen / Unsharp Mask
45.86@set Amount to 50%
50.75@set Radius to 50 px and Threshold to 0
53.51@hit OK
56.54@go to Image / Mode
235"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v04_s086.77@click Image / Mode / RGB Color
236"A3O4IJTMCLCLIX"s1_p03_v04_s084.86@Go to Image Mode
6.91@RGB Color
18.88@Gives really cool effect
30.25@For best effect zoom in
53.61@Add depth to field
237"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v05_s0124.04@select your image
32.28@select the rectangular tool and adjust your feather tool to about 80 pixels
41.71@select the whole image
56.9@click Layers / New Adjustment Layers / Levels
47.19@select Invert
238"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v05_s022.18@click Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Level
15.8@slide grey pointer to the right
50.67@click Layer / Merge Down
239"A1740WSIOU1AIN"s1_p03_v05_s0217.28@Use New Layer tool
240"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v05_s0310.91@click Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Curves
14.58@click OK
24.5@create a slight S in the histogram
55.86@create a new layer above those 2 layers
241"AIA0NHIZD1UPX"s1_p03_v05_s0311.79@new adjustment layer
15.02@ select curves
10.53@click layer
57.1@Can change the color effects
242"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p03_v05_s0356@create a new layer on colour contrast
244"A5ANILRK62JSH"s1_p03_v05_s0628.41@how to set black and white to RGB
245"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v05_s0751@no instruction on the section of vid
246"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p03_v05_s084.19@no instruction in this part of vid
248"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v02_s0116.5@Choose any pic you want
20.53@go to Pallet click Gradient
27.1@check Reverse
30.53@Check Radial / Other
36.87@in Gradient make sure 2nd color is white
47.82@press OK
52.42@Change blend mode to Soft Light
249"A26YUBHJE3O5GZ"s1_p04_v02_s0123.3@Use Gradient tool
52.09@Use Soft Light tool
250"AIA0NHIZD1UPX"s1_p04_v02_s0326.46@Gradient fill
252"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v02_s058.84@lower Fill to about 60%
20.84@Go to Google and search for Textures
23.52@choose your texture and copy image
25.72@Create New Layer and paste texture
32.05@resize it using ctrl + T
36.8@press Enter
42.05@change blend mode to Soft Light
53.83@lower Opacity some to about 69%
65.37@select all layers and Group them (cmd + G)
253"A29Q5WRHORO9L0"s1_p04_v03_s0136.85@open up a picture
49.25@make a new layer
50.87@unlock new layer
52.89@duplicate that layer
254"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v03_s0138.35@open your photo
52.38@double click the background layer to unlock it
58.69@right click duplicate
255"AA53PK560WIO8"s1_p04_v03_s022.56@Duplicating Layer
17.93@Use of soft light mode
48.39@Use of paint bucket tool
53.13@Color Exclusion
256"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v03_s025.1@duplicate layer (right click duplicate for windows users)
18.15@change mode to Soft Light
26.09@click button to make a new layer
35.64@open color tools and create a darkish purple
43.12@open Paint Bucket to under Gradient tool
51.6@change normal to Exclusion
257"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v03_s038.8@go to Adjustments and click Curves
12.83@make sure curves is on top of everything
20@go to the drop down click blue drag line down to first graph line
25.06@take bottom of line and drag it up to the first graph line
32.96@go to red and drag top line down to half way to first line and do the same for the bottom of line
35.64@go to green and grab from the center and adjust according to preference
258"A3542CEOKQ3VDI"s1_p04_v03_s047.89@Create a new layer
13.17@Add some levels
31.56@create a new layer
39.19@you can add a photo filter
260"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v03_s0511.35@add blur by using blur tool
14.93@select first layer
17.35@blur edges
262"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v03_s0637.41@no instruction in this portion of the vid
263"A5ANILRK62JSH"s1_p04_v03_s060.94@no instruction
265"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v04_s0153.53@Intro. no instructions in this part of the vid
267"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v04_s0214.93@Duplicate your layer
30.97@go to Image Adjustment / Color balance
41.92@Put some green in there
45.45@add some red
47.4@add a little bit of yellow
268"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v04_s035.46@stick to midtones
18.8@click OK
36.77@fade contrast in the image
53.94@click Curves
56.76@get the black point right at the end and move up
269"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v04_s046.96@move black point up
22.84@create a duplicate layer
27.46@fill it with white
36.9@select blending mode to hard light
43.51@reduce the opacity way down
270"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v04_s0531.27@click on your adjusted layer
36.12@click Image / Adjustments / Hue Saturation
45.74@bring Saturation down
52.87@click OK
271"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v04_s062.45@no instructions in this portion of the vid
272"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v05_s0121.49@choose your photo
39.02@Click Hue Saturation / Adjustment Layer
44.17@click Colorize box
51.73@Adjust your Hue by using slider bar
273"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v05_s0211.09@drop down saturation to tone it down
44.29@click Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur
51.34@set Radius to about 15 pixels
52.66@click OK
32.84@make a copy by clicking your background layer then Layer / Duplicate Layer
39.46@click OK
274"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v05_s0311.95@use Eraser tool to remover some of the blur
40.8@click Layer/ New Layer
49.74@select about the top 1/4 of the pic
56.17@click Filter / Render / Clouds
275"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v05_s041.89@click Filter / Render / Clouds
13.66@click Edit / Free Transform
9.77@click Select / Deselect
17.05@and stretch it out
30.63@change blend mode to Overlay
48.63@change foreground color to mid-grey
54.58@get a paint brush and paint over the dark areas
276"A27ZZCI4LRCBU7"s1_p04_v05_s059.23@Face Editor
277"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v05_s0524.18@create another new layer click Layer / New Layer
26.56@name it if you want click OK
32.66@click white paintbrush
38.1@paint around the edges
279"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v05_s063.47@finish circling around
281"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v01_s0116.89@double click on background layer and click OK
21.91@click Image / Adjustments / Desaturate
29.49@copy layer by dragging down to the new layer button
32.62@click on copy layer
38.55@click Image / Adjustments / Invert
53.55@select Layers / Color Dodge
282"A26YUBHJE3O5GZ"s1_p05_v01_s0122.59@Use Desaturate tool
37.81@Use Invert tool
283"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v01_s022.62@select Color Dodge to make the document white
18.99@click Filter / Other / Minimum
56.72@click ok
284"A11Y2MBSN4MZKY"s1_p05_v01_s025.99@Use color dodge
18.76@Filter/other/then minimum
52.04@thinner lines v thicker lines
285"AAOH21O0RZVPQ"s1_p05_v01_s023.6@Change blending mode to Color Dodge
24.01@Filter -> Other -> Minimum
286"A5ANILRK62JSH"s1_p05_v01_s0319.27@sketch in and out
46.44@giving sketch effect by blur
287"A2IICB0FDT3QE2"s1_p05_v01_s037.44@click on zoom
13.75@select box
288"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v02_s0117.25@Click File / Open
22.04@Select image you want click Open
29.38@click Background / Create duplicate layer / OK
34.19@Click Image / Adjustments / Desaturate
41.25@click on Original Background image and click Image / Adjustments / Desaturate
289"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p05_v02_s023.25@only music no instructions
290"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v02_s0326.74@no instruction in this part of the vid
291"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v03_s0120.19@choose Color Dodge
24.18@click Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur
29.63@set between 100 to 225 pixels
48.27@burn i t and make some shades
5.75@open the photos
12.46@press Ctrl + J then Ctrl +Shift + U then Ctrl + J then Ctrl + I
292"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v03_s0210.58@Merge visible (right click on layer)
11.76@press Ctrl + A then Ctrl +C (select all & copy)
18.18@now go on the paper photo then hit Ctrl V (paste)
24.44@press Ctrl + T to resize
36.5@select Multiply
42.91@Erase a bit of the borders of the drawing
293"A1RD09XHNEESE2"s1_p05_v03_s0213.67@select all and copy
26.32@paste it and resize
37.18@select multiply
42.86@use erase tool
294"A29Q5WRHORO9L0"s1_p05_v04_s0135.1@create 3 layers
295"A1NO4LG6KGOGFD"s1_p05_v04_s0210.91@keep duplicate
17.79@color dodge
23.28@ctrl A to invert it
31.81@gaussain blur
296"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v04_s0219@Take top layer change to Color Dodge
24.88@hit Ctrl + I to Invert it
31.48@click Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur
297"A152OL13EO48ET"s1_p05_v04_s0320.94@Use Radius For Different Look
38.98@create layer
299"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v05_s0153.27@Click Cntrl + J to duplicate your layer
300"A1RD09XHNEESE2"s1_p05_v05_s0151.86@make duplicate layer
301"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v05_s029.17@Desaturate layer by pressing Ctrl +Shift + U
15.23@make 1 more copy with Ctrl + J
23.38@click top layer
29.27@change blending mode to Color Dodge
36.54@press Ctrl + I to invert selection
49.86@click Filter / Blur /Gaussian Blur
302"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v05_s030.86@choose Gaussian Blur
13.19@adjust the values
42.04@click OK
51.88@click Adjustment Layers / Levels
303"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v05_s047.24@brighten midtone gamma level
26.52@select layer under your levels layer
41.4@choose an airbrush
56.5@set Opacity to about 12%
304"A5ANILRK62JSH"s1_p05_v05_s0422.16@how to set hair by hair brush
305"A29Q5WRHORO9L0"s1_p05_v05_s050.78@make 12%
7.02@might want to chance values
10.59@set flow to 100%
19.67@use black to make darker shades
306"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v05_s068.34@lightly go over some of the areas that got blown out
12.83@touch over face and lips
16.48@touch nose and around the eyes
23.13@touch up around the arms
48.24@switch to white to get rid of unwanted color
307"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v05_s0727.13@click Image / Duplicate
30.79@check duplicate merge layers only
53.95@click Filter / Sharpen / Unsharpen Mask
308"A1RD09XHNEESE2"s1_p05_v05_s077.85@use brush tool to paint
25.9@duplicate the image
54.88@use unsharpen mask tool
309"A26YUBHJE3O5GZ"s1_p05_v05_s0724.81@Use Image Duplicate tool
51.97@Use FIlter Sharpen and Unsharp Mask tool
310"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v05_s0817.25@choose a radius of about 8
29.12@choose threshold of about 142
46.96@set your amount pretty high and choose OK
312"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p01_v02_s0120.29@show you how to apply motion to your picturee
24.29@in this case i will use photoshop
28.23@there is a image of a runner running along the road
48.09@select the ploygonal lassonal tool
3.3@once you select it apply it on the image
313"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p01_v02_s0311.99@going to highlight the border and once you finish selecting feather tool for smoothing
27.26@right click on feather and choose 5 pixel
37.4@then go to layer and selcet via copy
51.82@finally we are going to apply motion to it
56.53@click on the back ground and go to blur and choose motion
314"A27LGC4MU1R7PQ"s1_p01_v03_s025.7@Make selection
29.34@Go to Select menu -> Transform selection to rotate selection
52.43@Copy merged
11.2@Hold space to float and adjust selection
315"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p01_v04_s019.01@how to use the motion blur
23.21@open adobe photoshop
31.74@click on the image you want
49.03@select filter then blur and then motion blur
58@click on how many pixel and distance
316"A33WVFD6LMIFD0"s1_p01_v05_s031.8@Click OK
21.75@Click on Circular icon and drag the icon to prefered angle
36.25@For Distance play around with the setting until you find your ideal distance
318"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p02_v01_s0329.77@click the eraser tool erase the border of the image
319"A33WVFD6LMIFD0"s1_p02_v01_s0528.52@bring up the image you would like for your background
48.26@Click the layer that will go over the background and drag it onto the background window
56.94@then resize to fit
320"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p02_v01_s0642.65@Zoom in the image and then select the image
321"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p02_v02_s0143.51@click extract option then image open a new window
51.24@then click marque tool
322"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p02_v03_s0342.97@here use the RGB color
323"A3O4IJTMCLCLIX"s1_p02_v03_s044.53@click blue copy
10.84@it start to effect the ble channel
19.95@make sure you have copy of what you use
27.14@load this as a selection
32.16@hold down ctrl + left click
39.6@dotted lines tell if we have a selection
42.93@You can go through Load Selection
46.95@Blue copy channel
53.75@can hit invert
55.65@hit okay
324"A33WVFD6LMIFD0"s1_p02_v03_s0524.94@Select your layer
28.46@then press ""add layer mask""
47.7@go to contrast icon below your layer and select ""solid color""
55.36@drag the new layer under the layer you started with
325"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p02_v03_s0724.81@what we can bring back i am going to pull a slight up to here
22.4@it is very fine balancing you will never get it perfect
49.21@bring in the black slider white slider and 50 percent of the grey one
53.2@is quite useful and click the ok button
328"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p02_v04_s0316.02@use the control D on the keyboard it remove the marching edges
26.69@select the regular move tool i am going to drag the logo to the photo graph
34.72@it to large it cover the faces so i am going to make it small
52.91@there are two different layer on the right side of the screen. one for the logo and the other for the graphic
329"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p02_v04_s0412.84@here using the transform tool transform the layer and background images
47.34@after transform We can do the background image size zoom in and zoom out
330"A5Q34TT9WZT8S"s1_p02_v04_s0538.7@so simple
331"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p02_v04_s0619.91@try drop shadow select the drop shadow button
20.98@different controls for drop shadow you can change the angles
31.11@change the speed and size of the images
46.75@there is black shadow behind the log
54.85@ i am going to save the graphic
47.23@Magic eraser tool
333"A1WTN9MK4YJPMQ"s1_p02_v05_s0338.11@use magic eraser to erase which color you are trying to erase pick the color and than click on magic eraser to erase
42.05@use the regular eraser tool to erase shadows or small areas just decrease brush size.
335"AUEQO381ITWV1"s1_p03_v01_s0158.1@Use Add Exposure tool
337"A2IICB0FDT3QE2"s1_p03_v01_s0316.93@In gradient tool
338"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p03_v02_s014.95@Lomo Effect
340"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p03_v04_s022.88@8 mega pixel phone
15.93@got some picture with illumo effects
24.16@we got some slight dicolourness
28.97@over all we got some sweet contrasting
35.19@so let jump into this i am going to delete this layer
42.58@when you have your photo shop open double click on the lock
50.98@the name does matter o is ok we can get to work
0.64@go over to the lasser tool and make sure your feather tool
341"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p03_v04_s049.14@open up the adjustment panel here click on the level adjustment
23.2@take the middle point and click and drag it to right which will darken the edges a little bit
45.83@add some contrast to it click back which will bring you back to list of adjustment
57.06@add curve adjustment click down here and drag it little right
10.99@new layer
27.28@blur to Hue
40.99@lowering capacity
52.71@select Lab color
343"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p03_v04_s0913.53@different image and this is eva in his backyard making some king of hand symbols
29.87@i am suggesting something about his nibbles
39.97@eva is going to teach you how to added into the picture and here is it
344"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p03_v05_s028.67@choose the layer menu then selcet the new adjustment layer
345"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p03_v05_s066.43@use the unsharp mask tool
30.6@choose the image menu then click add color sub menu
346"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p04_v02_s0125.19@now select the gradient and then select reverse option then change the style in radial
41.41@Now change the color
347"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p04_v03_s0511.46@if you want you can add blur to it
18.42@select the first layer make a blur wing on the edges like that
39.69@that all guys hope to like it and dont forget get to comment and subscripe to it
349"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p04_v04_s058.06@this is the one with the hard line effect this is the one with the curve
17.23@both are similiar effects i just want to show you the two ways the one which is more comfortable you can play with
27.52@now the colour for the image is too saturated
350"A5Q34TT9WZT8S"s1_p04_v04_s0614.48@more reds more greens
25.53@so befoore and after
351"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p04_v04_s065.94@Layer palette for your guys. this will be my final images
11.51@if you think the colour is too faded out don
17.88@if you want more red or blue you dont have to play with the colour balance
33.03@this is before this is after this is how to create a photo vintage in a photoshop
353"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p05_v02_s028.03@only music no voice
354"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p05_v03_s014.22@music with written instruction no audio instrusction
355"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p05_v03_s0323.39@set the capacity
33.47@adjustment the photo filter
44.09@then the image will become big
356"A5Q34TT9WZT8S"s1_p05_v04_s019.98@it is easy process
357"A3O4IJTMCLCLIX"s1_p05_v04_s033.15@go lighter if you have dark lines
8.08@use 2.2
17.41@for a different look move slider up
24.23@set to 2.2
26.13@hit ok
36.51@Fill adjustment layer
38.87@creat a hue saturation layer
41.57@desaturate it
53.44@can change hue slider around for different looks
358"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p05_v04_s046.12@use hue/saturation tool
359"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p05_v05_s0152.72@create a layer and background
360"A2IICB0FDT3QE2"s1_p05_v05_s0228.4@color dark
54.19@Blue to custom bar
361"A2IICB0FDT3QE2"s1_p05_v05_s0534.32@coloring hair dark
362"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v01_s032.42@click ok
9.19@zoom in
363"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p05_v05_s058.33@try changing the values a bit
34.53@select Black to help darken
14.25@set Flow to 100%
40.18@choose proper brush size
50.46@Brush over areas to darken and bring out detail
364"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p03_v03_s022.09@use the RGB coloc
27.02@select the layer menu and then choose new adjustment layer then click the gradient option
38.34@the image will become a black and white color
365"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p04_v05_s0137.96@click Hue Saturation then check Colorize
57.57@slide Hue between 20 & 30 to adjust red tone
366"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p04_v05_s038.72@choose eraser tool
23.11@after erasing the image will be very clear
46.38@choose layer menu then create a new layer
367"A1PYMROZ75S4FW"s1_p01_v04_s041.25@slide Fill Opacity to 0% then click Drop Shadow
368"AV8SEE5FX9FTF"s1_p01_v02_s021.86@Highlight object
369"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v01_s0151.72@guidelines about the tools
371"A3DPWZ0829JPMP"s1_p02_v04_s0552.1@it is used to create the shadow on the logo
372"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v04_s0312.25@soften edges of selection and refine edges
373"A2OQT7QCRRMN9S"s1_p03_v04_s068.74@create a new layer
16.52@fill is shift backspace
35.17@change to hue for black and white
42.95@lower opacity adds color back
376"AV8SEE5FX9FTF"s1_p04_v04_s022.48@Desaturate photo
6.72@Fade contrast
14.67@Duplicate layer
27.13@Change colours in layer
31.42@Go to: Image Adjustments - colour balance
377"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v04_s048.45@To set layers and background
379"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p05_v05_s0829.38@to make the dimensions and natural looking of the picture
380"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v05_s0144.04@setting the background
381"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v05_s0412.28@about layer1 and background
382"A12K1TVLD2BCZV"s1_p04_v02_s0233.85@20% and here again
383"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p04_v02_s0415.24@change the blending mode to liner dodge
31.59@now right click rastiere layer make sure the hardness is little less
49.37@and start erasing the image. i think i am going to erase a little more
385"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p01_v02_s0140.8@Highlight on the Character
50.44@Apply Polygon Lasso Tool
386"A4892CRV9RU49"s1_p01_v02_s039.25@feather selection
37.82@New layer via copy
54.08@Add motion blur filter
387"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p01_v03_s0222.57@making the edges
388"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p01_v03_s0626.27@the supporting dvd with the tutorial book gives 10 hours of movies tutorial
33.47@high resolution jpeg support all your inages product
0.42@the book is available in or
389"A12K1TVLD2BCZV"s1_p01_v05_s0225.99@i-con to the left
390"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p01_v05_s0319.42@we can see it bluring the text already vertically you can also do it horizontally
21.79@you can draw the angle to any thing you like
36.66@i am going to keep it to o
43.56@and then clidk ok. thus all we have to do in motion blur in photoshop
391"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p02_v01_s0331.14@click on the eraser and move it on the picture where you missed before
35.73@you need to take proper care in doing this and make a nice tie
55.92@now imagine all is cleaned and ready for transfer now
392"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v01_s0625.04@adjusting the size of the photo
43.97@click on background
45.86@and then OK
57.39@make sure tahat this suqare
394"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v03_s0240.12@about the colour change of the channel
395"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v03_s059.14@about the blue copy of the channel
396"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v03_s0611.34@about the layer o mask
397"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v03_s076.36@about the layer o mask
398"A38U1R9L2OEOH1"s1_p02_v04_s024.7@Layer lock is not ON
19.99@Use Magic wand tool
28.31@Click on the white area
399"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v04_s0527.53@inserting layer 1 on another picture
400"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p02_v05_s0212.57@i am going to show you how to remove the excess of redness form the image
29.23@double click the layer then unlock it.
40.66@press control D and then press delete. everything we selected got erased
50.64@we are going to go to the magical eraser and we are going to go around here
56.09@and delete every thing which is light and stupid
401"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v05_s0410.35@layer o
402"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v01_s0151.82@layer 1
403"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v01_s0479.49@about layer 1
404"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v02_s0515.86@changing the colors of the background
406"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p03_v03_s028.88@just do the rbg do the blue and do the opposite
31.63@let do it more better so let go to layer new adjustment layer and then to ingredient map
34.68@press ok what we have here is black ingredient map
41.82@change the burning mode to over layer
1.61@there in my final lomo effect in photoshop
407"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v04_s0322.5@layer o
408"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v04_s0421.21@about levels 1
409"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p03_v04_s050.62@Adjust Contrast
410"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v04_s0653.49@about the lab color and setting the layer 1
411"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v04_s0813.52@about layer 2 image setting
412"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p03_v04_s0917.47@we are going hop over to different image
21.85@i really dont konw what sign it is neither does he knows
27.67@i have a feeling that it is suggesting something about his nibbles
34.94@so he is one who going to teach you how to add into this pictures
40.68@and here he is
414"A2M8SE4S7VW8SC"s1_p04_v02_s033.79@SECLECT BLUE
415"A79TQM64PWXQC"s1_p04_v02_s0511.72@Increase the field to 60%
20.81@Go to Google and search for grunge textures
27.01@ Copy image
25.63@Create a new layer
28.35@Paste the image in the new layer
32.83@Resize it by pressing Ctrl + T
39.11@Press enter
41.96@Change the blend mode to soft light
55.78@Bring the opacity down to about 70%
62.4@Select all the layers by clicking Cmd or Ctrl
64.78@Click Cmd + G to group them
416"A79TQM64PWXQC"s1_p04_v03_s0137.98@Open up a picture of whatever you want.
50.28@Double-click the background layer to unlock it.
56.02@Duplicate the layer. Right click the layer and select
417"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v03_s0248.28@duplicating the layer
418"A1CY5KVC753NQ9"s1_p04_v03_s0410.67@create a new layer
32.52@create a new layer
38.85@add photo filter
420"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v04_s0219.94@duplicating the layer and changing the background
421"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v04_s0425.9@creating dulicate layer and hiding the original layer
422"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v05_s0150.74@changings the colours in the backgrounds
424"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v05_s0625.73@changing the backgrounds to black and white
425"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p05_v02_s0229.34@only music no audio instruction in the tutorial clip
426"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p05_v03_s0134.26@only music with written instruction no audio instructions
427"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p05_v03_s0233.77@how to make paper photo and resize of the photo
428"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p05_v04_s0121.98@cover the basics to get this look
41.8@top two layers we gone to work with
45.3@the bottom layer is the original photo
28.24@give some detail how to jazz up the phpto a little bit
429"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p05_v04_s0223.29@take the top layer go to colour dodge then we go control R to invert it
34.77@next we go to filter blur then to endorsement blur
37.75@depending on the look you on the photo you can increase or decrease the resolution on the images
430"A38U1R9L2OEOH1"s1_p05_v04_s0325.64@Use Gaussian Blur tool and set radius to 2.2
43.07@Use Hue/Saturation and desaturate completely
431"A2S7USNAG12DO8"s1_p05_v04_s0421.36@basic ly taking it for no color
432"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p05_v05_s0226.13@changing the color of layer 1
433"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p05_v05_s0416.04@about layer 1
434"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p05_v05_s085.16@about the background
435"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p01_v01_s0258.09@layer o copy
436"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p01_v02_s0421.67@blur then set it motion blur let us set it to 6
45.05@we can see the background with somekind of motion
52.29@we can see some kind of motion blur effect on the body of the runner
61.72@we can see motion blur has been applied to the runner
437"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p01_v03_s0414.25@try and a square form these pixels
27.47@next going to commit the transformation and then we are going to apply the radial blur to this pictures
38.21@we go to blur filter and then radio blur . we dont need to center because we have an active selection
49.97@we are going to select how much blur we are going to apply
33.77@working on the spin rather than the zoom ant then select ok button
438"A12K1TVLD2BCZV"s1_p01_v03_s0539.64@as we drag the smaller
439"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p01_v04_s0245.11@about the usage of the tools
440"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p01_v04_s0343.45@changing the opacity of layer 1 and inserting text on it as layer 2
441"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p01_v04_s0417.46@highleting the objects and text in the picture
442"A79TQM64PWXQC"s1_p01_v05_s0117.28@Go to File > New. The width is 400 pixels and height is 100 pixels. The resolution is 72 pixels/inch
31.21@Select the Text Tool
33.87@Click anywhere on the left of the canvas
39.45@Type something in
45.95@Put the text into the center of the canvas
47.45@Put the text into the very center of the canvas
49.18@Select All
52.88@You will see some alignment icons at the top
55.76@Click align vertical center
444"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v01_s0420.75@guidlines about the tools
445"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v02_s0253.07@about painting and marking the edges
447"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p02_v03_s0314.21@the is black and white blue and green images. we are going to mix all the three colours
54.16@first thing to do is make a copy of this hold and drag the blue to the new channel and click ok
448"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v03_s0447.29@about the channel thumblane
449"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p03_v01_s0314.7@the last thing you want to do is select black
23.62@then select the ingredient tool around the border if you like it
450"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v02_s0337.18@changing th backgrounds of the layer
451"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v04_s0736.8@changing the channels and layers
452"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v05_s0145.1@setting the edges
454"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p04_v04_s036.92@i am working in the mid tone here not the shadowsn not light
17.65@just play the colour you like play with your eye and click the ok button
39.2@nest step is to fade the contrast in this images.
46.21@there are two different ways of doing this
45.67@the first one is the basic with the curve line
0.23@in cs 4 layer it just pop up just get the black point just a little up
455"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v05_s0244.29@changing the background and saturation
456"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v05_s0437.2@rending the clouds on the layer
457"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p05_v02_s0158@only music no audio instructions
458"A79TQM64PWXQC"s1_p05_v03_s0321.14@Set the opacity to 60 - 70%
23.84@Right click on the layer and click
26.43@Go to Image > Adjustments > Photo Filter. Set it to 15% - 25%
49.48@Reduce the noise to improve the final results by going to Filter > Noise > Reduce Noise
460"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p05_v05_s0658.71@setting the layer 1
462"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p01_v02_s040.77@Apply Motion Blur
463"A1QVWTILWK2ZQ9"s1_p01_v03_s0416.22@try to create a square from these pixel in the boundary box
27.85@then commit the transformations and then we are going to apply the radioal bur to these pixels
38.5@we go to layer then blur and then to radioal blur
38.1@we dont need to center as we have an active selection
46.64@we have to know how much blur is appropriate for this wheeel
464"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p01_v03_s053.8@select the radial blur
10.55@apply the radial blur in to the image
23.57@select the image and then move to the correct position
35.16@then change opacity value
465"A2D0T7CULZNQ9B"s1_p01_v04_s025.23@Motion blur
16.31@Eraser tool
30.36@History brush tool
466"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p01_v04_s0327@Add Texts
53.63@Change Text Layer Style
467"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p01_v04_s041.77@Change Layer style - Drop shadow
468"A1XVYOL52UT8T9"s1_p01_v05_s014.56@motion blur
7.12@text layer
32.24@text tool
50.81@select > all
469"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p02_v01_s026.1@Filter - Extract
53.87@History Brush
470"A152JSLCLZ4A0R"s1_p02_v01_s0418.44@removing the patches
471"A1XASPX987UI0O"s1_p02_v02_s026.26@Circle mark
34.62@mask button
472"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p02_v02_s0335.25@Apply Fill Tool
473"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p02_v03_s0346.05@Make a Copy layer
474"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p02_v03_s0436.76@select the blue copy and apply the image select the image automatically
53.4@select the load selection then click the invert button then click ok
475"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p03_v01_s0314.37@choose the block color from the tool bar
19.54@select the grediant
41.17@then select the image border it will become block color
476"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p03_v02_s0318.31@Apply Gradient Map
477"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p03_v02_s041.78@Hit F12
13.19@Create a actions palette
34.25@Create a new adjustment layer - curve
478"A1U95D7R56OJ2E"s1_p03_v04_s072.35@ASK YOU
479"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p03_v05_s0128.52@Make a selection
52.38@Make a new adjustment layer
481"A1U95D7R56OJ2E"s1_p04_v04_s030.91@ I WOULD THE MIDTONES
482"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p04_v05_s026.76@select the Hue value 26
18.91@then drag the saturation bar
41.83@select the layer menu then click the duplicate layer
46.85@select filter menu then click the blur
483"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p04_v05_s041.04@Render - Clouds
11.38@Apply Free Transform
30.93@Choose the Blend Mode - Overlay
48.51@Change Foreground Color
54.89@Paint Brush
484"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p05_v02_s0117.45@Open a file
27.26@Make a duplicate layer
36.39@Apply Desaturate
486"A1DUW6XIWHHAA5"s1_p05_v03_s0318.76@Set the opacity to 60% to 75%
24.54@Right click on the layer merge visible
28.91@Set photo filter to 15 to 25%
47.79@Reduce noise might improve final results
487"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p05_v05_s030.74@Choose Gaussian Blur
51.01@Change the gamma level
488"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p05_v05_s0636.24@Remove the area you didn
489"A13621J37H8XHD"s1_p02_v05_s0139.18@Press Q
45.33@Select Brush tool
491"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p04_v02_s0211.83@select the solid color
16.52@drag the color bar into top then click ok
36.41@change the curves
492"A2D0T7CULZNQ9B"s1_p04_v02_s049.95@LInear dodge
24.94@Rasterize layer
493"A1S38L30XUQX4M"s1_p04_v03_s039.71@click curves then select the drop down menu then click the blue color
22.06@drag the bar into down
29.4@then drag the bar into topthen choose the red color
494"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p02_v05_s0133.07@how to use the background
495"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p03_v05_s0419.26@about layer 1
496"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v02_s0227.93@changing the colors of the edges of layer 1
497"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v02_s0446.69@changing the hardness and colors of the layer
498"ATIGCUKIPNWG0"s1_p04_v03_s0342.03@changing the colorsof layer 1
501"A1TCDZFD7VDE9B"s1_p03_v05_s0523.91@Merge Visible
31.28@Set Lab Color
41.53@select lightness in channels
53.04@Use Unsharp Mask