Juho Kim is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing at KAIST, and directs KIXLAB (the KAIST Interaction Lab). He is also affiliated faculty in the Kim Jaechul Graduate School of AI at KAIST. His research in human-computer interaction and human-AI interaction focuses on building interactive and intelligent systems that support interaction at scale, aiming to improve the ways people learn, collaborate, discuss, make decisions, and take action online.

He earned his Ph.D. from MIT, M.S. from Stanford University, and B.S. from Seoul National University. In 2015-2016, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor and a Brown Fellow at Stanford University. He is a recipient of a KIISE/IEEE-CS Young Computer Researcher Award, KAIST’s Songam Distinguished Research Award, Grand Prize in Creative Teaching, Q-Day Creative Education Award, and Excellence in Teaching Award, as well as 14 paper awards from ACM CHI, ACM CSCW, ACM Learning at Scale, ACM IUI, ACM DIS, and AAAI HCOMP. He recently spent his sabbatical year as a chief scientist at Ringle Inc. to transfer his research on AI-powered analyis and diagnosis of English learners’ proficiency into a real product. He gave a keynote at NeurIPS 2022 titled “Interaction-Centric AI”.

If you're interested in working with me at KAIST, please read this page. Also, in this interview video for HCI Korea, I summarize KIXLAB's representative projects and share my thoughts on research and mentoring. English transcription is available.

Video of my recent talks on "Interaction-Centric AI": (1) NeurIPS 2022 keynote (targeted at AI audience), (2) Stanford HCI Seminar (targeted at HCI audience)

Want to meet?
Office hours: by appointment

N1 Room 605, KAIST
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon, Korea 34141
Tel: (+82)-042-350-3570

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  • Demos Co-Chair: CSCW 2022
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  • Editor: UX of AI Forum, ACM Interactions Magazine. 2019-2022
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